In May 2021, the Province realized that the existing supervised consumption model in Calgary was not working & the detrimental impacts to neighbourhood residents and businesses had to be addressed. I agreed with the assessment then, and I still do.

I also agreed that more treatment beds are needed and was very interested in the Province’s musings in 2022 to combine addictions treatment with supervised consumption sites and other ways to improve access to supports.

Since 2022, Calgarians have been waiting for the Government of Alberta to offer additional or alternate solutions, given that health and addictions are provincial responsibilities. We’re willing to be good partners; we need to see what they’re proposing.

In the interest of all Calgarians, it is critical to see the Province’s solution prior to their closure of the supervised consumption site at Sheldon M. Chumir. Otherwise, people looking for support will be forced to the streets, creating increased community safety issues.

My full letter to Minister Dan Williams is linked here. It only takes one phone call to see what we can do together to address mental health and addictions – I’m waiting.